Thursday 31 March 2016

Factors affecting your body weight


Two major factors affecting your body weight

Excess sodium intake. Your body wants to maintain a balance of sodium to water. If you increase your sodium intake, your body holds in water to maintain that balance. After a day or so, you will lose this water weight. Some people are more sensitive than others. Keep in mind that sodium is lurking in many places. Processed foods are major sources of sodium. The same goes for eating out – many chefs love that salt shaker!

Increased carbohydrate intake. Carbs hold in water. For example, let’s say your normal diet is moderate in carbs. Then you overindulge on the weekend on bagels, dessert, and maybe some pasta.

Your body does several things with these carbs:
1. some is used for immediate energy
2. some is stored as fat
3. much of it goes into energy stores in the liver and muscles

Other factors affecting weight on the scale
n. I don’t have to say more on this – except that the food is staying in you versus coming out. This will obviously affect the scale … how much, I’m not sure!

Hormonal changes. Guys, this one is mainly for the ladies. I’ve seen women gain 4 pounds when they are premenstrual. The same can go for changes during perimenopause.

Medications. Certain medications can cause you to retain fluid.

Medical conditions, such as heart disease, kidney or liver disease can lean to fluid retention

Dehydration. Being dehydrated can make appear that you lost weight when in reality it is only water loss and will come right back on!

Tips to outsmart the scale:
1. Don’t be a slave to the scale. Keep in mind that daily fluctuations are totally normal. It is the trend that is more of a concern

2. Think about the pros and cons of weighing yourself so frequently. Frequent weigh-ins work great for some but not for others. If you find the scale is
starting to consume you, it may be time to take a break from it.

3. The obvious – make sure your scale works. If you weigh yourself 5 times in 10 minutes and get different readings every time  – time to buy a new scale (and stop weighing yourself so frequently!)

4. Weigh the same time of the day, the same day of the week. Keep your scale in the same place. I’ve had some clients tell me their weight can vary by a pound or more depending upon where they place the scale on the floor.

5. Keep in mind that your weight can fluctuate by 1-3 pounds a day. If you see a major change in one day, think about what you ate the previous day.

6. Limit your sodium intake

7. Drink at least 8-10 cups of water a day

8. Exercise 30-60 minutes a day

9. Be prepared for a 1-2 pound weight change on low carb or high carb days

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