Tuesday 5 April 2016

What I call handling competition like a BOSS

We are all wired in very brilliant, uniquely different ways, we all came in different, we all came in with certain intentions that through life experience we have continued to strive and  hone. In fact the only masterpiece creation we have to work with is ourselves…
So why defame it by constantly judging and rating your self by somebody else's life journey.
Take, for example, an introvert who feels energized after periods of solitude. what does she get by comparing herself to a gregarious, outgoing personality who gets bored by an hour alone with herself? what kind of illogical conclusions can she come to by this comparison? Why compare your self with
others  when no one in the entire world can do a better job of
being you than you, you do not have to gauge where you are
by another persons life journey. If this was simply an observation, that would be one thing. But in comparing
ourselves to others, we often end up judging ourselves.
There's no one worse to judge? Cut your self some slack and be nice to you sometimes, be nice to the woman you have made out of a girl and have faith in the vision that she carries.
If you have ever noticed, it doesn't matter how many people are on your side, cheering you on if you can't get on your own side.
The thing about comparison  is that there is never a win. How often do we compare ourselves with someone less fortunate than us and consider ourselves blessed? Nahhh! More often, we compare ourselves with someone who we perceive as being, having, or doing  more. And this just leaves us coming up short. I know our minds do always want to quantify, our minds want to rank, to know where and how we fit into the current scope of things , so we get busy comparing.
I believe we can train it to stop. It's like having babies, just because we can doesn't mean we should. Or better still, instead of training it to stop comparing altogether , why not redirect the comparison to a past and present self, at least that way we can keep the comparison within, since in truth, we are always becoming more, always in a state of creation, the direction is always toward expansion. How you have continued to become a new and improved version or yourself, that's the stuff that counts. Comparing ourselves with someone else is an inaccurate, unhealthy and an irrelevant measuring stick as this could even lead to wrong practices to outwit someone which in the process we kill our self value.

Define yourself largely only in terms of being better than the person you were yesterday.
 Thank you for doing you always.

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