Saturday 9 April 2016

Nigerian food that affects your weight loss


Carbohydrate is the number one enemy of weight loss or belly fat, but good news is that not all carbohydrate are bad. There are plenty of good carbohydrate options that can fit into your fat burning meal plans.

I have listed a few and some alternative options you can make…

 Have a nice read!

1.  Pounded yam:  I explained earlier in a previous post that a typical slice of yam contains about  120 calories, sounds fair if you take about 2 slices for a meal. Personally I prefer a slice with what ever sauce I intend to have , rather than have rice, because yam naturally contain dietary fiber and it's not factory  processed. But when you eat a large plate of pounded yam with a delicious plate of  egusi soup with assorted meat and a huge beef… You are basically eating a meal that is very high in bad carbs and fats, and all those combined in one meal could be repping almost 1000 calories.  Just for one meal? Oh my! How much calories we are meant to consume daily as an individual will be handled in my next post, so please look out.

 2.  Fufu, Garri, Starch:  If you are told to eliminate this foods from your meals, most of you my fellow country people will ask what will I then eat. Well, unless you are not looking out  to lose those flabby arms, love handles and youe very famous 1 Pack, but if you are, then when making your swallow choices, you will embrace whole grain wheat meals, because instead of  ingesting food with  high content of bad carbohydrate , wheat are rather  rich in fiber and protein, Fiber helps your food digestion and also makes you full faster hence reducing bloating.

3.   White Rice & White Pasta:  White rice & Pasta are the number one monster of belly fat, this is because during factory processing, the healthy bran layer and germ that contains fiber  are damaged, matter of fact this is what happens to all factory processed carbohydrates, so you lose the fiber during this process and are left with just the starch(bad carb). You have a choice to make here to keep the fiber in your rice source intake intact, Choose Brown Rice or Basmati Rice instead, and even more preferably , brown basmati rice. Same goes for pasta.

 4.   White Bread:  This is monster number 2.  The havoc the piece does to your belly cannot be overemphasized. Choose whole grain wheat bread every time, moreover, whole grain provides more vitamins, minerals and fiber in addition.

 5.      Pastries and Biscuits:  What  you should know is that this food are made from highly refined  flour and sugar, they barely contain fiber, They also lose all vitamins during processing, the lack of fiber  can cause many digestive problems and constipation. In Nigeria when we choose to snack, this are the snack choices that come to mind readily and the fact remains that there is no way this highly processed snacks can be low on calorie,  because most of the ingredients are  extremely calorific with little or no nutritional  benefits.

 6.  Sugary drinks:  Just like the title, this drinks are just plain sugar. They're not just bad for your weight but your health as well as your general well being. You can make smoothies, fresh juices or better still take water as alternative.

I will address foods that can help your weight loss or stabilize your weight and how to understand calorie count/ how each food influences your calorie level later.


  1. Nigerian foods that affect your weight... How is a Cheese burger now Nigerian food? Lolz. Show us some amala with ewedu!!! 😂😂😂

  2. Lol, funny enough ewedu has so many nutritional value. Packed with antioxidants and vitamins to mention a few, so you can't go wrong with ewedu.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm glad it came through. Thanks for reading.

  4. Which African woman wants fat gone from her hips and butt... Lol lets stick to the belly, waist and maybe the thighs.
